Past Meetings

September 26, 2008 - Hammondsport Mac Users Group

TOPIC: RESOURCES - web sites and sources for information and mac-related items

ATTENDING: Bill N, Bob S, Jack H, Diane B, Tom B, Bob G.

Bob S. shared a slideshow of some of the damage done in Texas by Hurricane Ike.

Tom B. gave everyone a handy 3x5 card of Quick Tips for Mac users.

RefDesk - the mother of all sources

OldApps for Mac - downloads for many vintage apps as well as earlier versions of current apps

OWC - Other World Computing - best prices & shipping on RAM memory, HDs, burners, accessories

MacFixit - latest reports on glitches, bugs, probs with Apple products - partly free

iFelix - best help page for peripheral setup help (AirPort. printers, wifi, etc) when using cross-platform Mac OSX - Windows XP)

iFixit - excellent step-by-step take apart guides for mac laptops

University of Indiana - wealth of mac help tips (though some are IU specific)

downloads such as IRREP and INKBURROW

MonoPrice - lowest prices on connection cables of all kinds - fast shipping

2008 Web Browsers for Mac - Darrel Knutson's incredible review of 155 web browsers! - specs and comments on every Apple computer ever made

E-mail Etiquette - some great hints to reduce spam & junk mail while keeping your friends & relatives


Other stuff

Weather - dashboard widget - set several cities if you wish - 5 day forecasts + hi/lo temps

On-line Bibles - Parallel Bible (instantly see same verse in a dozen translations) - NET Bible (shows original Greek/Hebrew)

Cool Hidden Things on OSX - did you know that there are invisible icons in your System Preferences folder that only appear when needed? Example: plug a Wacom Tablet into your Mac and the Ink icon will pop up in System Prefs. This will allow you to open any word processing app and write directly with the Wacom pen tool.

Watch a 16-second QuickTime movie showing how your handwriting can be instantly translated into computer fonts for text docs, note keeping, e-mailing, etc. (Note: if movie won't play, download it to desktop as a QT movie.)

Scarier Than Big Brother? Read this article about Google.

Recent hackings of personal e-mail accounts led to discussions of how to better protect our privacy. The best rule is don't do anything in the dark that you wouldn't want to be brought into daylight. There is a trail of numbers following you everywhere you go on the internet. 'Anonymity' is a deception that quickly evaporates if the 'gatekeepers of secrets' (such as Google, Wikipedia and WikiLeaks) decide that you are not on their side.

How to Create a Portable Encrypted Safe - store your passwords and important numbers in an encrypted safe file that can be carried with you on a USB stick, CD or uploaded to an on-line mailbox. Make a password-protected disk image using Disk Utility on your Mac computer. Read a more detailed tutorial at MacInstruct.

Funny - Animator vs Animation - graphic artist with way too much time on his hands.


Next meeting: Wednesday, October 22, 2008


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